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Anti Wrinkle Injections Using Botox

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Anti Wrinkle Injections Using Botox

Our aim is to give you a youthful and fresh appearance. With all our facial aesthetics treatments, it is our priority that you look as natural and refreshed as possible without looking “frozen.”

 What is Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum Toxin is a bacterium that blocks the release of acetylcholine, the substance responsible for transmitting electrical impulses that elicit muscle contraction. Hyperactivity of the facial expression muscles often results in the development of deep frown lines, forehead lines and/or crow’s feet. Injecting Botulinum Toxin into the affected area temporarily paralyses the underlying muscles responsible for wrinkling, giving the face a more relaxed and pleasant appearance. The wrinkles become smoother or disappear altogether.

When and How Long Does Botulinum Toxin Work?

The initial effects of treatment become visible within 48 to 72 hours. The maximum effect is reached in approximately 3 weeks.

Your facial expression will become more relaxed but by no means mask-like. The overall result is very natural.

The effect of treatment generally lasts for 3 to 4 months. Re-treatment is then required.