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Bad breath

Bad breath

Bad breath can affect anyone and there are a number of reasons for a person to develop the condition. Some cases of bad breath may be caused by certain strong foods, such as onions and garlic, while others may be connected to stomach or intestinal problems.

However, other causes of bad breath can be caused by certain habits, such as smoking and infrequent tooth brushing. As bad breath can often be an indicator of gum disease or tooth decay, it is important to visit the dentist for a check-up if bad breath has become a chronic problem.


At the practice we can check your teeth, mouth, gums and tongue for any signs of dental abnormalities. We can also provide a thorough intensive cleaning session, which will remove all traces of plaque, bacteria and food debris, often the main causes of dental disease.


Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine will also help to prevent bad breath and related dental health issues.